Ark's Cafe
Photo: Joachim Wichmann


There is no right or wrong way to approach art. Art is a space that brings us together and that we can share. A place for exploration and curiosity, speculation and immersion, interaction and creativity.

Through a variety of lessons, we work together to bring art to life in an open, exploratory learning space. We define the framework based on a wide range of diverse creative approaches, but where we end up is determined by your class or team. In the process, we encourage you to experiment with creative processes and communicate about art and the world with new words. Everyone contributes with valuable voices and bodies in a shared laboratory.

Over the years 300,000+ children from local institutions have come in contact with contemporary art. ARKEN was the first museum in Denmark to develop lessons designed specifically for schools, based on relationships and democratic citizenship with visual arts as the focal point.

Formats and prices

90 minuttes:
We take a dialogical, inquiring and creative approach to the artwork in ARKEN's exhibitions.
Target audience: Primary and secondary schools.
Price: 750 dkk.

180 minuttes:
We take a dialogical, inquiring and creative approach to the artwork in ARKEN's exhibitions and immerse ourselves in experimental and creative processes in ARKEN's workshop.
Target audience: Primary and secondary schools.
Price: 1,500 dkk.

Self-guided visits

You're welcome to visit ARKEN on your own. We offer free admission to all preschools, primary schools and secondary schools. All visits must be booked at least 10 days in advance. You can book here.
It is possible to book self-guided visits on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

If you have any questions about booking or lessons, please feel free to write to us at

Learning and booking

I Am Fire and Water — Ursula Reuter Christiansen 03.09.24-03.01.25

The exhibition I am Fire and Water by Ursula Reuter Christiansen takes us into a sense-saturated universe where beauty and cruelty, light and darkness go hand in hand

In a teaching process, the exhibition's six rooms interact with our emotions and perceptions of reality. The gaze and the body are enveloped by the power of the works, and through dialogue, performative exercises and creative and immersive stays along the way, we explore together how we understand the world and ourselves — and perhaps even let new meanings and experiences emerge.

The course of instruction is adapted to the age and prerequisites of the target group.

Book course
Book 90-minute courses for primary schools

Book a 90-minute course for youth education

Anish Kapoor — Between Illusion and Reality 11.04.24– 20.10.24

A small blue burrowing cow among red sandbanks. A deep black hole -- or is it a small blanket that is black as the darkest darkness? A hovering hat dressed in red or a big sticky mass that is slowly scraped round and round...

Anish Kapoor's vast sculptures and installations speak directly to our senses and emotions. We are drawn, seduced, puzzled as his works -- often quite literally -- turn the world upside down.
In the process, we will take a tour of Anish Kapoor's artworks together. Through our senses, with our body and creativity, we let ourselves be immersed and lost in the materials, sizes, stories and spaces of the works.

Exhibit Anish Kapoor — Unseen showcases a selection of the artist's works created during his so far 40-year career. As a direct intervention in ARKEN's architecture, it paves the way for new ways to see and experience both the works and each other.
The teaching process takes hold of our senses and body and, through practical and dialogical exercises, sets sail for a journey around a world where everything may not be quite as it usually is.

The course is adapted to the age and requirements of the target audience.

Book course
Anish Kapoor 90 mins. Primary school
Anish Kapoor 90 mins. Youth education


Courses for educators

Come alone or bring your colleagues to ARKEN for inspiration for your teaching.

On ARKEN's courses for educators, you will be introduced to ARKEN's teaching process in the exhibition I am fire and water with Ursula Reuter Christiansen, in the form of a short presentation and samples of concrete teaching exercises in the exhibition.
You will also be presented with an overview of the museum's other teaching offerings in autumn 2024 .

The course takes place at ARKEN on 04.09.24 at 14.30-16.30 and is free for teachers and pedagogues, but registration is necessary.

Write to with the name, e-mail and school/institution of all participants no later than 30 August.

“Meta” course for educators and educational science students — 120 minutes — DKK 1,500

Educatorss and educational science students gain first-hand experience of what it means to participate as a student in one of ARKEN'S topical learning lessons when they're thrown into a lesson as if they were a primary school class. Afterwards, we frame a reflection room where ARKEN's methods and practices are in focus.

Target audience: Educators and educational science students.

For educators and educational science students, participating in a "meta" course can be a valuable experience on several levels. They gain insight into special art-pedagogical methods developed at ARKEN with art as a field of study. They also gain insight into applying the methods widely: in professional or interdisciplinary contexts, as well as from an educational perspective.

Furthermore, testing ARKEN's learning course on their own provides general insight into the unique potentials in experiential learning in an external learning environment such as a cultural institution.

Write to us at if you would like to book a “meta” course.

Preschool course

Our preschool course is based on stories from picture books, which have been presented to the children in advance by their educators. We identify with the characters of the book and “play the story forward” at ARKEN. The museum's spaces and works of art become selected props for a scenography for a sensory journey. Along the way, we explore art and architecture with our senses and take creative approaches that include all children and that support a common experiential language. There is room to integrate children's ideas and curiosity for the museum space and their shared history.

Target audience: Preschoolers from the age of 4

These are partnership courses that include pre-education and workshops and are arranged with municipal contact persons as well as preschool leaders in advance of a school year.

The special methods of our preschool course were developed in the project 'Visual art spaces on short legs'. Through close collaboration with local preschools, we have developed preschool courses that cater to children's interests when they visit a large art museum 'on short legs', perhaps for the very first time.

Write to us at for more information about our partnership process.

KV-LAB — 2 days

This course in the Creative Elective Studies Laboratory (KV-LAB) addresses the subject of visual arts in education. We focus on how to experiment and utilise non-linear creative processes. We also focus on putting words to art, experiments and processes. KV-LAB is currently part of a development project and will only be put into operation as a partnership programme in the 2024-25 school year.

The KV-LAB also aims to develop the competences of visual arts teachers through educator workshops and mutual learning in partnership.

Target audience: Primary school 7th and 8th grade (visual arts electives)

K-LAB — 3 days

In our Creative Elective Studies Laboratory (KV-LAB), we work in-depth with the study of selected works of art or exhibitions. We also take a deep dive into the experimental and creative workshop processes that arise from the encounter with art. The course lasts three days of 4 hours each and takes place both at ARKEN and at the school. KV-LAB courses are partnership courses that are agreed with the school management/municipality prior to a new school year.

Previous experience with educator workshops is an integral part of the KV-LAB partnership.

The methods and partnership approach taken in KV-LAB have been developed in the Creative Elective Studies Laboratory development project.

Target group: Primary schools

Arken café side seats
Photo: ARKEN
Practical information


Bags, drinks and food may not be brought into the exhibition area, but must be stored in the cloakroom. The cloakroom at ARKEN may be used free of charge. Lockers can be locked with a personal 4-digit code.

Lunch break

Schools and institutions may eat their lunches in the basement. There can be quite a large number of school classes visiting ARKEN in the mornings, so in the warmer months we encourage you to enjoy your lunch in the outdoor areas on the Museum Island or at Ishøj Beach Park just a two-minute walk from the museum, where there are tables, benches and public toilets.


You are more than welcome to take photographs, but flashes are not permitted. Any artwork that you are not permitted to photograph will be clearly marked.

Help us take care of the artwork

The artwork at ARKEN is fragile and irreplaceable, so please make it clear to all students that the art must not be touched.

Can we use the workshop?

The CREATIVE workshop is reserved on weekdays for the museum's own lessons. We encourage you to bring your own drawing supplies if you want to sit in the exhibitions and immerse yourself in the artwork.

Be considerate

Pupils must always be accompanied by a teacher/adult. It can be tempting to run in the museum's giant halls, but for safety reasons - for your own safety and the safety of the artwork - please no running or roughhousing.

Arken café side seats
Photo: ARKEN