
Anish Kapoor

Anish Kapoor, Descension, 2015. Photo: David Stjernholm

The British-Indian artist Anish Kapoor’s exhibition UNSEEN is no longer on show. However, the artist has graciously lent the museum the monumental artwork Descension.
Don't miss the the vast art work on display until 02.03.25. The vortex is simple in appearance, yet captivating and disturbing. It announces its presence with an unsettling, rumbling sound of rushing water even before we see the work. In the large basin a strong maelstrom of black water is sucked into an invisible abyss. The void takes shape through the elemental power of water – it is not silent, in contrast to other works by Kapoor. The violent force of the dark water’s rotation embeds itself in our bodies, bringing us face to face with a dangerous and engulfing force of nature.

Anish Kapoor was born in 1954 in Mumbai, India. Since 1973, he has been based in the UK. Kapoor works with a wide range of media, from sculpture and architectural work to painting and drawing, using materials such as pigment, wax, granite, marble, limestone, and polished stainless steel. His art has been exhibited at major exhibition venues around the world, from the Palace of Versailles outside Paris to the Royal Academy in London. He has also created several iconic public sculptures – perhaps most famously, the enormous mirror artwork Cloud Gate (2004) in Chicago, which has become the city’s landmark, affectionately nicknamed ‘The bean’.

Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Children under 3 must be carried by an adult.
Maximum number of plateau: 50 people.
Keep 2 meters distance from the edge.
The experience is at your own risk.

Kommende events

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